Yes, it’s important to make money and pay the bills.
The best way to do that is to sell, and serve, and sell again.
But what if your primary goal is to:
a) pursue your passion and
b) use your values to
c) HELP people get to where they want to be
Then, would you be less of a salesman and more of a tribe leader?
The answer is yes. The video I am about to share is gold when you reach 1 minute, 25 seconds as Seth Godin defines the meaning of the word ‘tribe’.
By the way, the tribe leader generates the most sales. Be a leader for personal training, physical therapy or any profession in your area, and the sales will come. Being a tribe leader is the best way to get new clients and get old personal training and physical therapy clients back.
Moral of the story: if you come from a place of ‘giving’ in your heart, as opposed to ‘what can I get?’, you laugh all the way to the bank.
It’s a core principle that we have lost sight of.
Remember it; you could survive this economy and flourish in the upturn.