If there is one person that PTs look to for advice on this subject, it’s the ‘body transformation expert’ Laura Miranda, featured in Shape magazine, NBC news NY and other national media sources.
Laura is a PT in New York city. She has pioneered the concept of group fitness programs for physical therapists and has single handedly changed the way consumers look at physical therapists.
Laura called me the other day and mentioned that she just started a new blog called “Cash Physical Therapy” (nice name – pretty appropriate) and she just wrote an article on “The Blueprint for Cash Paying Programs”. It’s an excellent article, which you can read here.
As soon as I read the article, I called Laura on her cell and asked her to get on the phone for a special teleseminar for my readers…
Laura and I are doing a LIVE teleseminar THIS THURSDAY at 7 pm EST and the topic is:
“The BLUEPRINT For a Cash Paying Practice”
Thursday, July 7
7 pm EST (4 pm PST)
Call: 712-432-0900
Access Code: 166668#
Only open to the first 100 attendees.
Laura will reveal:
– Why your patients are WAITING for you to offer them a wellness program and how to transition them into it post discharge
– The number ONE thing that holds most PTs back from conducting their own wellness programs
– How to RECLAIM the territory we have lost to personal trainers and other fitness professionals
– How to structure it and charge for such programs, leveraging your time to increase revenue while decreasing costs for the patient
– How to market it, so it is non competitive (and in fact complimentary) to everything else that’s being offered
and much much more.
Listen, like you, I have heard a lot of hype about ‘cash pay physical therapy’ only to sit through rehashed stuff that has no real world application.
Laura, on the other hand, is the real deal.
She is the undisputed champion for physical therapists who want a cash paying practice, independent of insurance reimbursements.
Let her show you the way.
Thursday, July 7
7 pm EST (4 pm PST)
Call: 712-432-0900
Access Code: 166668#
Only open to the first 100 attendees.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR for next Thursday for the call…
If you miss the call, the recordings will be made available to Inner Circle members only. To learn more about the Inner Circle, click here.
PS – Ritika and I spent the 4th of July weekend volunteering all day Sunday and Monday at a humanitarian conference in Manhattan, NYC. It was not part of the original plan, but once we saw the work that was being done by this amazing charity, we were compelled to help the hundreds of volunteers serve the 20,000 attendees for two whole days. If you’d like to know more about this non-profit international charity, please visit www.embracingtheworld.org – embrace the world and make it a better place. Learn more about this unique charity here.