The Patient Stimulator Concept
An Excerpt From The ‘Patient Ignition’ Module In Referral Ignition
In addition to quality care, there is one core philosophy that allows you to pull patients and referral sources towards your clinic.
Empower patients to get better, faster by educating them with tools (books, audio CDs and DVDs) that you created and that position you as the expert.
Market these tools to prospects (advertising) and patients (reactivation) to drive people to your clinic.
I call this the ‘patient stimulator’ approach.
Here are some examples of patient stimulators. One or more of these might be applicable to your practice.
a) The 3 Critical Components of Fall Prevention
b) Pre and Post-natal Care Redefined – The Physical Therapy Perspective
c) The Ultimate Pain Relief Protocol
d) Injury Prevention and Sports Conditioning For Baseball
e) FINALLY! Do away with that ‘Pain In The Neck’
f) Put The ‘Spring’ Back In Your Step – Knee Pain Elimination 101
g) 5 Things You Can Do To Conquer Low Back Pain
h) How To Beat Arthritis
My Gift To You
The book I am about to give you has been revised several times, and has been a powerful patient attraction magnet for my practice. It is a perfect complement to the ‘Ignition Postcard’ I released last week.
Now, you can flat have HAVE IT right now.
It’s an ebook on arthritis that you can take and use any way that you like.. of all the materials I have released, this is THE MOST HELPFUL, especially if you COMBINE it with the ‘Ignition Postcard’. This is the first time I have every offered a WORD DOC of this book to the public.
I am giving you EVERYTHING.
– A video showing you how to edit it
– COMPLETE rights to reuse and rebrand it any way you want
Let’s Make This Strategy Even More Powerful…
Imagine that this tool was reinforced with a few, carefully selected testimonials from patients,and included suggestions for the patient to contact you for more information?
What if you galvanized your referral sources by GIVING them these tools, so they could give them away to THEIR PATIENTS?
In this manner, your referral sources educate and increase goodwill with their patients while positioning YOU as the go-to-provider for exercise and rehabilitation.
Everyone wins.
And this is just the beginning. In fact, it’s just one of the applications of the ‘patient stimulator’ principle (which is a part of ‘patient ignition’, one of the 4 modules in Referral Ignition)
Now, what if you sent out the ‘Ignition Postcard’ and used it to drive patients to your website / call your clinic requesting the FREE book on “How To Beat Arthritis’?
What if you used a systematic follow up campaign, filled with valuable, practical tips to REALLY HELP these patients and prospects, gradually establishing yourself as an expert with the community?
Here’s How This Works
To craft an effective patient stimulator, you simply have to:
a) KNOW what type of resource will help your patients
b) Create a resource (book, CD, DVD) that will help them IMMEDIATELY
c) Make an offer that is a no-brainer, with the patient’s best interests in mind
d) Give the patient a legitimate reason to request it RIGHT AWAY
With the right patient stimulator and the right offer, you become a trusted authority on rehabilitation, as opposed to a pushy, uninvited ‘referral seeker’.
The First Movers Will Jump On This…
The private practice of the 21st century will have at least 10 patient stimulators, distributed to the community through different modes of contact (internet, print, phone and mail) on a regular basis.
The practice will have an evolving array of patient stimulators, that are ‘current news specific’ and ‘engage the public’ immediately.
For example, did you know that the Oprah Winfrey website is advocating April 30 as the National No Phone Zone Day? You can immediately create a report on ‘How Cellphones Can Cause Neck Pain and What You Can Do About It” as a patient stimulator (and market it) with the headline “Why Oprah Winfrey’s Upcoming No Phone Zone Day Can Save Your Neck Muscles … and How We Can Help You Fight Neck Pain”...Call Us Today For……..
Do you think an ad like this (which simple piggy backs off the existing media buzz generated by Oprah’s website ) will get noticed by your community?
Using patient stimulators, you can now ignite referrals, instead of seeking them. I have been on both sides of the equation, and I can tell you the grass is greener once you have several patient stimulators available to your community.
For the Referral Ignition course participants, I have created several done-for-you books that you can use RIGHT AWAY and customize and re-use as ‘patient stimulators’ in your practice. No hard work, no hassles, just done-for-you patient stimulators. I also teach you how to record your own audio CDs and film your DVDs within 45 minutes WITHOUT any specialized knowledge, software and equipment and print high quality audio CDs and DVDs (that look like they were professionally designed and duplicated) for under $1.75 a unit with NO set up fees and NO catch.
If it sounds like something you’re interested in …and want to cut in line and get early access, get on the early bird list by entering your email in the form below.