Help Patients And Clients In This Economy

Take a different approach.

save moneyInstead of trying to figure out how your private practice can make money and profit in this economy, ask yourself, “how can I help my personal training clients and physical therapy patients save money and survive in this economy.”

Call old clients

Ask them “What can I do to help you?”.. It is critical to get old personal training and physical therapy clients back, it will definitely increase revenues as well as referrals..

Give them free informational material

Your private practice should provide free relevant and informational materials that will help them help themselves; brochures, pamphlets, a newsletter.

Maintain visibility with them

Make sure that you maintain visibility with your patients in your private practice and show them you care. Even just 2 minutes of phone time can make all the difference in the world.

Invite them on seminars and related topics

Invite your patients to take full advantage of your seminars on ‘self help tips’ or a related topic once a month.

When times get better, you will be the only one they think about. This is more than a marketing approach, it’s a human one.

Think outside the box, especially in tough times. Stand out as a human being first, rather than a business owner.

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