The Complete Record – Your Practice’s Biggest Asset

The contact information of your patients and referral sources is one of the most valuable business assets of your private practice. I call this the ‘referral list’.

More importantly, your relationship with these individuals determines your success. In order to maintain a good relationship, you need frequent, relevant communication.

In order to maintain a good relationship, you need frequent, relevant communication.

This requires consistent, two-way communication between you and your patients. This is possible ONLY if you have ‘a complete record’ of information about your patient.if

This allows you to build a relationship with your patients and makes them remember you and your physical therapy practice if they ever have a need for your services. This helps your practice grow and become well-known within the community. Reaching out to patients during holidays and birthdays is an excellent way to build a relationship with them.

A complete patient record includes the following key pieces of data:

  • Name
  • Email
  • Home / work phone number
  • Cell phone number
  • Mailing address
  • Website
If you don’t have a ‘complete record’ for every patient and physician who refers to you, start gathering that data now.

A complete record gives you the flexibility to communicate with that individual using multiple modes of communication including:

  • Regular mail
  • Email
  • SMS
  • Phone calls
Most businesses try and collect a ‘complete record’ for every client, since this list of present and past clients becomes valuable data.

You might notice that sophisticated local businesses try to capture ‘complete data’ as soon as possible, after the initial transaction.

It’s interesting that very few businesses give you a strong incentive to collect the ‘complete record’. However, businesses are catching on. For example, staples asks you to ‘text a certain number’ to get a discount code. By texting that number, you are now providing them your cellphone, and this helps them complete your record.The incentive for the client to provide all the information necessary to create a ‘complete record’ has to meaningful and must provide some tangible benefit,

The incentive for the patient (to provide all the information necessary to create a ‘complete record’) has to meaningful and must provide some tangible benefit, otherwise the prospect is unlikely to share their information. Included below is an attempt of a local restaurant to capture a ‘complete’ client record.

There are a lot of ways to collect patient information, you should find out what will work best for you and your practice, Some practices forms they hand out to clients after service or after purchase, Some bigger businesses also invest in a website and collect patient contact information using automated tools like Therapy Newsletter.

If you want to learn more about how to take full advantage of ‘complete contact information’ (the biggest asset of your practice), and discover automated sequences to communicate with patients and get them to know, like and trust you, attend the Private Practice Summit 2019 Las Vegas, NV on 10/18, 10/19 and 10/20.

Join us for the #1 Rated Physical Therapy Business Conference in the Country. <——— Click here to secure your tickets before the price goes up.

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