The Importance of Collective Insight

As we prepare for the weekend ahead, I would like to take a moment to thank our entire physical therapy community for the dedication and hard work that each of you give to your patient’s care and to your clinics every day.

If there’s one thing we need to do more off, it’s learning from each other, and getting feedback to improve the way we do things.
The Importance of Collective Insight

The long hours we spend in our clinics lead us to valuable insights born out of unique experiences.

The same goes for your staff. They interact with patients and physicians, and can tell you things you may not be realize.

As a private practice owner, try and do what you can to enlist your staff, and let them know:

  • They are being heard.
  • Their opinions are encouraged
  • Their feedback, if appropriate, will be implemented.
Once we discover the insight born out of another individual’s experiences, it fast tracks our learning curve.

That’s why we read books and attend conferences and network with other private practice owners. Once you set up your own ‘micro-community’ in your own practice using your staff members, you set the stage for a collective learning experience.

Here’s a Great Way to Leverage that Insight Immediately

Ask every staff member, at the end of each day, to write down a comment in a ledger before they leave. They have to answer just one question.

“What is the ONE THING you’d like to see improved today in our practice?”
We need your insight!
Our collective insights come from equal parts of analysis and experience. Some people learn one thing and repeat it for their entire careers. We as physical therapists must choose to keep learning new strategies to help our practices grow and thrive – asking the right questions to analyze the right data, then sharing our experiences for the betterment of the physical therapy community as a whole.
Taking Collective Insight to the Next Level at the 2012 Private Practice Summit

My team and I are proud to be the pioneers of the industry-changing concept of “Wicked Smart”, a way for the sharpest physical therapists in the country to share collective insight in an intense, productive learning environment at the next Ignition 2016 event in San Diego.

Wicked smart is where we have the audience members share their best strategies in either one of the following areas to win a BIG prize.
  • Referral generation
  • Practice management
  • Hiring
This simple exercise increases the value of the event ten-fold for all the attendees, and now you have a chance to benefit from the collective insight of private practice owners from all over the country.

I look forward to seeing you at the upcoming Ignition 2016 event.

Join us for the #1 Rated Physical Therapy Business Conference in the Country. <——— Click here to secure your tickets before the price goes up.

Ignition 2

September 23, 24, 25 in San Diego, CA.

Tickets are 65% off for a limited time.

We only have a certain amount of tickets available at this price, so

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