Your website on marketing physical therapy must have excellent information that is relevant to patients, and a conversion process that transforms them from website visitors into actual patients and even potential referral sources.
Adhere to your area of expertise and give patients tips on what they can use.
“A website must motivate the visitor to call or come in to your clinic. It should be optimized for the search engines and be reinforced by an activation process, triggered by phone calls from prospective patients. The biggest mistake made by therapists is poor conversion rate from visitor to patient” says James Ko, physical therapist.
Good content begins with an overview of information that is relevant to the patient, and appears precise and reader-friendly.
A simple, clear message that encourages visitors to pick up the phone and call your physical therapy business clinic is the single most important parameter of success. Patient and client testimonials are another big part of the success of a website.
Good content enables you to connect with your audience, and includes an action-oriented message, combined with a sense of urgency.
The patient must be able to contact the office, or schedule an appointment online at any time. The easier you make the initial contact, the more profitable your site will be. our goal is to get the visitor who comes to your site to call or email you requesting further information about your services.
The last thing you want is for the reader to leave your site without initiating contact with you. In most cases, you have less than 30 seconds to make an impression with your site.
Even if the visitor leaves your site without contacting you, you want an “email stimulator” box on your site that encourages the visitor to provide you with their name and email address. This should be a simple form, asking for the visitor’s name, email address and phone number, placed prominently, and attractively, on your website.
Offer your visitor an e book, a newsletter or some incentive to provide you with their contact information when they visit your site. It is critical that contact information should be easily viewable on all pages of the website, perhaps as a part of the website banner.
Make it easy for them to contact you and leave their contact information behind. Your website should help you build a patient database, since hundreds, or potentially thousands of patients could be visiting your website each month.
Track your traffic using tools such as the powerful google analytics in your personal training marketing.
Most sites seem like encyclopedias and make sense to the therapist and staff, but not the patient. Don’t be verbose with the therapists’ resumes, achievements and the mission of the clinic unless it relates directly to patient care.