As a physical therapist it is most important for your patients to have complete faith in your healing abilities. They must be aware of the services that you provide and have a personal connect with you so that they trust you.
You can achieve all of this through sending out a regular physical therapy newsletter to your patients. This is the easiest and most economical way to get across to your patients and get their attention and in turn, their referrals. A newsletter can be a huge boost to your credibility with your existing patients as well as attract new clients.
While creating your physical therapy newsletter make sure it is loaded with rich visuals and compelling content. Check the articles for typos and grammatical errors. Most importantly, your newsletter should be timely and relevant to what’s happening around you. For example, if you are sending it out towards the end of November you include a piece about aches and pains that typically get aggravated in winter.
Do not make the tone of your newsletter aggressive. Keep it friendly but authoritative since you want to come across as an expert in your field.
To get the most out of your newsletter, send it out every other week. That will remind your patients of your service but you won’t end up nagging them.
You should target your physical therapy newsletter to reach your patients on a Monday. That is when they are most likely to check their mails and since it is the beginning of the week, it will stay fresh in their minds. You can choose to either fax the newsletter or mail it out.
If creating a newsletter sounds too daunting for you, you could outsource it to a professional physical therapy newsletter company such as A professional company will create branding for your clinic via the newsletter, provide articles, customize the look and feel and handle the subscription part as well. This will save you time and energy which you can, in turn, devote to your clinic.
A well-crafted newsletter can translate into hundreds of referrals every month.