How would you like to be in a position where you were so busy that you actually had to turn some patients away?
Most practices have physical therapy marketing objectives(the need to get new patients). Once they have the marketing dialed in, the next priority is hiring and staff retention, because the practice now has more patients than they can handle on their own. In some ways, it’s a good problem to have.
As practice on physical therapy business grows, priorities change. The stakes get higher.
That’s when business coaching, attending events and networking with peers becomes critical.
That’s exactly what Tobin Forbus did. In fact, when I got an email from him I couldn’t believe what he had achieved.
Tobin’s incredible story is just one of the reasons I continue to do what I do for you. Every private practice owner every single day – write this blog, conduct events, build automated physical therapy newsletter marketing solutions for practices, and make myself available to select clients for business coaching through my mastermind program, and my team available through the Referral Ignition Elite program.
Here’s a comment from Tobin at our previous event in Las Vegas. The date was April 16, 2012. This is even more amazing, since Tobin attended the event with his father, and won a scholarship for the event. It’s evident from his transformation that he’s made the most of it.

Tobin’s been so busy applying everything he discovered in April that he’s actually had to turn away patients.
Every successful practice goes through these stages:Survival > Referral Generation > Growth > Hiring > Expansion
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